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Euskal Enkounter 15

2007 activities

Robotics workshop


Altough electronics has always been present in Euskal Encounter, it has never had its own activity area. Modders perform unbelievable changes both visual and electronic on their computers, and sceners work out all sort of moddifications for classical computers.

Should you wish to book in advance write an email containing name, nickname, party seat and any other information you believe helpful to

This workshop will be devoted to those who are interested in the area but always thought it was too expensive or were afraid of its complexity. In this new activity, participants will create and program 15 small robots. Beginning from digital electronics to C programmation, they will learn all the necessary stuff to take up robotics and build up their own robots at home.

Each robot will have a two-engined chassis and wheels so that it can move on a flat surface, as well as a brain or controller to be programmed in C language from a PC. Furthermore, the controller will have a wide range of free connections to connect any sort of sensor or actor, such as extra engines, LEDs, LCDs, light or infrared sensors, and even complex components such as Bluetooth or cameras. All along the workshop, robot construction and functioning will be explained as well as the elctronic principles required. Participants will decide on their own which functionality they want their robot to have, so at the end we expect to see robots performing any types of tasks. At the very end participants will be allowed to take robots home so that they can go on working on them.




In the workshop there will be a number of PCs devoted to this activity. Teams of 2 or 3 people will work at one time on the robot. The activity will be carried out in the workshops area, alongside the modding and extreme overclocking workshops.


Friday 19-20h Introduction, theory and organisation

Saturday 11-14h Workshop (first team)

Sunday  15-18h Workshop (second team)
            18-20h Activity end, demonstrations, findings and questions

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